Project Description
Shellshock Studios, a 40 track digital production studio in Spokane is the work space for the talented producers from Shellshock Records. The control room features the sweet Mackie HR-824 active monitors and is centered around a Mackie D-8B digital console. Lexicon effects, Alesis HD and ADAT recorders, A Korg Triton workstation, and Groove Tubes mics round out the gearlist. The main requirements for this project were a high degree of acoustic isolation and extensive sequencing/ sampling capabilities. Starting with an unfinished basement space, Theater Design delivered this great production retreat. Features include: a room within a room design, sand-damped floating floor system and high-mass wall/ceiling systems to achieve an STC-65 isolation rating. We designed and built this facility from the ground up and continue to serve as technical consultants to the owners.